Toronto Fan Expo With Owen and Isaac!

Yes, the Toronto Fan Expo was this past weekend and no, Those Who Live Between Wednesdays could not attend. Why the others could not do so I'm not at liberty to say (hint: you don't think that nuclear missiles just spontaneously defuse themselves mid-flight, do you?) but as for me it has something to do with being dead broke, plus in the wrong part of Canada.

But do not despair! I have received word that Owen Craig and Isaac Mills of Mondo Magazine did get to go, and what's more, they've written up a multi-part account of their good times for all of us to check out. 

First, Owen checks out the DC Nation panel and meets some creators.

Isaac takes in a showing of Batman '66, complete with Adam West Q&A.

Owen comes back with Stan Lee, the Delorean and, most excitingly, hot yo-yo action

Then Isaac speaks of the same day from his unique viewpoint, which involves fewer Deloreans and more Archie panels. The yo-yo action does remain though, never fear.

And then: Sunday. After two hectic days, our heroes take it a bit easier.

Owen catches some tips on breaking into comics from Dan Didio and some Scrooge McDuck collections from Boom Studios.

Meanwhile, Isaac takes in some artists' panels.

And that's that. As I mentioned, I spend a lot of my time sans money - and maybe the room full of comic paraphernalia has something to do with that, I don't know. What am I, a rocket mathonaut? - so I've never actually had the opportunity to go to a con. Or an expo. I will someday, though, and I'm glad that there are folks out there reporting the experience for guy like me with comical moths flying out of their wallets. Thanks, Owen and Isaac, because now I have a better idea of what I will find, and I will be prepared.

Particularly for Dan Didio, because as far as I can tell, that guy is everywhere.