Podcast - Episode 97: Spider-Man (2002)

The release of Spider-Man: Homecoming is nigh so Dave and I have decided to spend the next three episodes revisiting the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy.

This week we also were dismayed to learn of the passing of Adam West. Here is a link to the Lookwell pilot: 

And here`s a link to the entire Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt:

And related to Spider-Man, here is a link to the screen test for a Green Goblin mask that was closer to the comic book design:

And, finally, here is the teaser trailer for the 1985 Spider-Man Cannon Films movie that was never made:


Thanks for listening! See you next week for Spider-Man 2!

Podcast - Episode 96: Wonder Woman

We saw the Wonder Woman movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As usual with these sorts of episodes, spoiler alert is in effect. We spoil the hell out of the movie for the last half hour or so of the episode, so please don't listen to it if you haven't seen the movie yet (unless you don't care...but you SHOULD CARE!).

If you are interested in reading my defense of Wonder Woman from 2009, it can be found here.

This week we rate DC's Ralph Dibny, aka The Elongated Man, as a super hunk. He does as well as you might expect. I have made my thoughts on the disgusting nature of his powers known before here and here. And I mourned his death here. And I write about one of his team-up adventures with Superman and Robin here.

I love both Wonder Woman and Elongated Man, so this was a good week.

Thanks for listening! Review us on iTunes if you have a few seconds to spare!

Podcast - Episode 95: Never Duplicated

You know those characters that never really look right unless they are drawn by one, or maybe two, particular artists? We're talking about those guys this week.

I'm gonna be straight with you: I have no time to write this blog post today. Any spare time I'm getting will be devoted to reading the one zillion Secret Empire tie-ins that were released today. Plus I'm going to see Wonder Woman tonight so I'm all excited.

Enjoy the episode! Love you guys!

Podcast - Episode 94: Captain America: The Nomad Saga


Awwwww shit! It's happening! Steve Rogers puts down the shield and sews himself a ridiculous new costume! Let's revisit the Nomad story line!

First things first: here is the link to the web comic Conceptual Heist by podcast listenter Jay D'ici and Matthew G. Gagnon.

And here are the final ECCE Sketch-off drawings of "Man-Thing eating a chocolate bar" by Nick Bradshaw, Mike Rooth and Tony Moore, respectively:

And here is a photo I took of the sketch-off as it was happening:

Here are some of our favourite panels from the Nomad Saga. We can't possibly post every awesome panel because that would be every panel.

First, here is Roscoe and Steve having a chill post-workout conversation:


Here is the insufferable asshole known as The Golden Archer:

But wait! It's just Hawkeye! Wearing a mask over a mask over a mask!


Here's Steve breaking out of the Archer's trap...the only way he knows how:


Here's the dumb baseball player who tried to be Captain America and broke his arm immediately. His legacy is this hilarious panel:

Here's Steve Rogers tripping over his cape like an idiot:


And here is his somewhat dramatic reaction to young Roscoe being killed:


In case you were wondering how Red Skull feels about Betty Grable, here you go:


Such a crazy fun story.

Alright. Thanks for listening! See you next week!

Podcast - Episode 93: The Original Secret Empire (1974)

This week we decided to re-read Marvel's original Secret Empire story line from 1974. It seemed timely, for a few reasons.

Here's something we forgot to mention on this week's episode: the East Coast Comic Expo is happening this weekend in Moncton and we will both be there! Dave will be there in an official capacity, moderating panels and Q&A sessions with some great artists, including Nick Bradshaw, Tony Moore and Daniel Way! I'm just gonna be hanging out, hoping not to see the Pennywise cosplayer I saw there last year.

Here are some of our favourite panels from Secret Empire:

On the very first page, we see Sam Wilson, smiling and strolling through the surprisingly quiet streets of Harlem with his bird friend. Not a care in the world! 

Here is Sam telling his girlfriend that he would rather show Steve his new costume than have sex with her:

Here's Steve and Sam's excellent undercover "bum" disguises:

We forgot to mention this one, but Cyclumph! is my new favourite word:

Here's Steve dopily waking up after being stunned:

Here's Steve being less than thrilled to see Thor:

And here is pre-serum Steve VERY enthusiastically agreeing to be a military experiment:

Next week we will be reading the next Captain America story following Secret Empire (the one where he becomes Nomad). We encourage you to read along! It's a very fun story.

Podcast - Episode 92: Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2

We saw Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2! We liked it! It wasn't perfect, but what ever is? We talk about/spoil the hell out of that in the last half hour or so of the episode.

This week we say farewell to poor Rick Jones. He died as he lived: pretending to be an Avenger.


I will always remember Rick best as the guy who tried to initiate some really kinky and messed up role playing with a freshly de-thawed Captain America:

Avengers #7 - Lee, Kirby, Stone

Avengers #7 - Lee, Kirby, Stone

Why would Rick ever have thought that would be a good idea? Best case scenario, Steve is just going to clutch him close to his body and cry into his shoulder for hours.

One time in an all-ages Hulk comic Rick called Namor "Aqua Teen Excessive Force" and I laughed forever.

We also said goodbye to Joaquin on Riverdale this week. Maybe? Probably? I LOVE YOU JOAQUIN!!!!

You go after him, Kevin Keller! You go after him now! Where are you going to find another accomplice to murder with THOSE EYES?!


Anyway. Enjoy the podcast! Rate us on iTunes! Follow us on Instagram and Twitter! Let me know if you there are any super hunks you want rated!